Offroad Checklist

What to bring when taking a 4x4 offroad? I’ll create this list here, and update it from time to time.


When \'driving\' offroad, more than half the time you\'re outside of your car, so:
  • Wear clothes adapted to the wheather. When it\'s cold, wear a warm jacket. When it rains, a rain jacket. When it\'s hot, protect your head.
  • Spare clothes, especially when it rains, or when it\'s muddy. The most important ones start near the ground: extra shoes, extra socks, extra pants, extra t-shirt. Depending how scary the situations get, extra underpants.
  • Wear strong mountaineering/trekking boots and/or a pair of high rubber boots. In some circumstances, chest waders are handy...

What not to bring if you know for sure you won\'t be stuck

(=what you really really need to bring)
  • A kinetic rope, to be able to recover or be recovered by another vehicle. A kinetic rope is a bit elastic, which ensures that your car doesn\'t get abruptly stopped, and that in addition to the pulling power of the recovering vehicle, you also benefit from the kinetic enery. Recovery using a kinetic rope is called snatch recovery or kinetic energy recovery. Be very careful when doing a snatch recovery, as too much speed will make either the rope break, or the attachment point is catapulted trough you\'re back window.