Blog Archive

Digitizing Family Memories: From 8mm to AI Analysis

A few years ago, I inherited something special from my grandfather: his complete collection of 8mm films, including a projector and camera. These reels had been sitting in my basement, with me always intending to digitize them "someday". That someday finally came about a month ago when I decided to have them professionally processed.

Re-launch for (and disc golf)

I've decided to start publishing to again. In the past, I had a Drupal site, that I took offline many years ago since I wasn't using it anymore and had difficulties to keep it up. Recently I've felt the need to start writing again, and I've decided to use this site to do so.

XSL FO 2 0 Requirements

This post was imported from my older Drupal site.


This post was imported from my older Drupal site.

Google Social Graph API

This post was imported from my older Drupal site.

Handbrake What handbrake

This post was imported from my older Drupal site.

The good the bad and the ugly

This post was imported from my older Drupal site.

Festool TS 55

This post was imported from my older Drupal site.