Discovery 3 rescues Defender
The most important thing when offroading is that you need to know the strengths and limitations of your vehicle. When driving offroad, you always look for the limitations of you car. And perhaps a Land Rover Discovery 3 has more limitations than a Land Rover Defender (although I’m not convinced of that). That doesn’t really matter when the driver of the Defender goes beyond its limitations… Luckily he had a roll cage! (I already posted some pictures about this a while ago.)
This was a great opportunity as a driver of a Discovery 3 to feel actually appreciated by a Defender driver, even if it was only a couple of minutes. So all of a sudden a Discovery 3 was a first-class member Land Rover family, right? Unforunately I don’t have a movie that shows how the Defender ended up on his side, but I do have some footage about the recovery.
I’m actually exaggerating here. My offroad-buddy does know the actual strengths of my Discovery 3, and at the other side I was very happy to be able to help him. It’s just that most people don’t believe that a Discovery 3 does handle well offroad (potentially leading to an inferiority complex, watch out ;-) , so it makes me happy to be able to help a ‘real’ offroad car.